Sold the Duke and before I could put the money in the bank I saw this going cheap so I jumped on it.

The seller was a cool guy, he told me that this bike was stolen recovered. He had sold it but then the police contacted him and told him they had recovered his bike!! The buyer didn’t register it so when they traced the VIN it went back to him, nice for him. The thieves had spray painted everything black, and I mean everything, even the chain! This guy did a nice job of painting up the fairings again but I might repaint it different colours.
It rained hard on the way to get it and half way back and it fell off the dang ramps while I was offloading it! Only damage was to the lower left fairing a little but also bent the ramp pretty good. Will have to sort out a new ramp – think I’ll get one of those curvy folding ones.
To Do
- Put it back together!
- Clean up clutch and stator covers and gear shift linkage – couldn’t get the stator cover off so will leave this for later
- Install brake guard
- Lockwire
- I’m thinking of doing some sort of Repsol paint job when I’ve sorted out a fairing

- Get new soft link for the chain – got the link thanks to TSR, borrowed Danny’s tool to install it
- Get frame and swing-arm sand blasted – just dropped them off with Jim, told him to clear coat them as well as long as they look ok after blasting
- Check valve clearances – a few were on the tight side of the tolerance but all in spec. Danny says he prefers the valves on the tight side for racing, maximum open time
- Take it apart!
CBR600RR Rebuild 4

I took a little break from posting due to some personal issues, I still made a bit of progress and am starting to get back on track. For a start I got a great deal on a mint set of fairings. They also came with a tank cover and seat […]
CBR600RR Rebuild 3

The pace has dropped off a bit this week, partly due to waiting on fork seals and the rest just not feeling into it. Still, I came through at the end of the week with thanks to my little guy for helping me get the exhaust back on. The midpipe […]
CBR600RR Rebuild 2

Made a bit more progress this week but also ran into some issues. Stripped nearly all the paint off the subframe, took it apart and removed all the brackets, found some bolts to plug the holes and painted in the ‘spray booth’ aka the back of the trailer. While waiting […]
CBR600RR Rebuild 1

I’ve been making some good progress with the CBR this week. Apart from the engine, I’ve been scraping the paint off every component and cleaning/repainting as required. First of all, I got the swing-arm back in and torqued up all the engine mounts. Take note of the super clean rear […]
CBR600RR Frame Sandblast and Paint

Once the CBR600RR was stripped down to the engine separated from the frame, I decided to look into getting it sand-blasted. A lot of people online suggest using walnut shells as a media instead of sand to reduce risk of damage to the aluminum frame. I figured that in these […]
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