Recap from SOAR Round 2!
Am600 went as I thought it would, hectic and riding for survival. Great practice for being around lots of bikes and quickly reacting to others movements. Ended up finishing 17/25 which I’m happy with as that race is more for becoming comfortable being that close to that many bikes and reacting to the chaos that ensues in that race. Fastest lap that race was 1:09.036.
Vintage didn’t go as planned, started front row in 3rd and ended up getting bumped off track going over the kink and went for a bit of offroading but managed to save it and get back on track. Ended up finishing in 4th place and plan on getting up there for a podium next time! Fastest lap of 1:09.426 which I was definitely not happy with but finishing 4th made up for it, great position for round 3!
Lost Era LW was a bit of a surprise, started 11th and was able to get a decent start and fight with a few riders throghtout the race and ended up finishing 9/17. Fastest lap of 1:08.169 which was a relief as I ran 1:08’s on Saturday during qualifying and felt like I was moving backwards all day Sunday running 1:09’s so that was a great way to end the day. Next round I hope to be fighting for a podium position in Vintage with a nice starting position on the second row! I also hope to learn some more about being aggressive with my passes and reacting to others in AM600 next time and slowly move my way up in the Lost Era Lightweight grid! Let’s go racing!!